Welcome to the Sexual Health homepage of FSU's Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness.

According to the World Health Organization, sexual health is: "...a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. For sexual health to be attained and maintained, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protected and fulfilled."

Basic Steps to Sexual Health

  1. Know your STI/HIV status. Call University Health Services at 850-644-4567 to schedule STI testing
  2. Know your sexual health by taking our anonymous sexual health assessment self-assessment
  3. Get and Give Consent with your partner(s)
  4. Avoid using alcohol and other drugs before and during sexual intercourse
  5. Have regular medical check-ups, annual exams
  6. Communicate with your partner about safer sex issues including barrier methods and/or birth control methods

FSU Sexual Behavior Statistics

  • 23% of FSU undergrads had no sexual partners last year
  • 53% had 1-2 sexual partners
  • 24% had 3 or more sexual partners
  • 66% of sexually active undergraduates used a condom last time they had sex
  • 25% of FSU undergrads have ever been tested for HIV

(This data comes from the NCHA-ACHA Spring 2017 data)

Lower Your Risk of STIs and Unwanted Pregnancy

There are varying levels of risk for STIs/Pregnancy involved with sexual activities.

Low / No Risk Moderate Risk High Risk
Kissing Vaginal intercourse with an external or internal condom Vaginal intercourse without an external or internal condom
Masturbation or mutual masturbation Anal intercourse with an external or internal condom Anal intercourse without an external or internal condom
Touching or massage Oral sex on a penis with a condom Oral sex without a condom, dental dam, or non-microwavable plastic wrap
Fondling or body rubbing Oral sex on a vagina with a dental dam or non-microwavable plastic wrap Oral sex without a condom, dental dam, or non-microwavable plastic wrap
Using clean sex toys Oral sex with anus with a dental dam or non-microwavable plastic wrap Oral sex with anus without a dental dam or non-microwavable plastic wrap