Sexual Health
HIV Testing
The Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness provides free and confidential rapid HIV testing through certified counselors. All it takes is a finger prick and about 20 minutes of your time to receive your results. Call us at 644-4567 to schedule an appointment.
STI Testing
To schedule an appointment for STI testing, please call University Health Services at (850) 644-4567.
Safer Sex Supplies
Condoms and Lube
FREE condoms are available on the fourth floor of the HWC during our normal operating hours to all students and staff. We offer a wide variety of external condoms, internal condoms, dental dams, and lube. Additional locations on campus to find FREE condoms are listed on the map below. FSU student organizations may request a bulk of 50 condoms for specific events and initiatives. Please visit the Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness office located on the 4th floor of University Health Services for more information.